Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 18

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 47

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 21

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 22

Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/voa53/ on line 512

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 32

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 48

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 51

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 83

Strict Standards: Non-static method NNParameters::getParameters() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/voa53/ on line 92

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 93

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 132

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/voa53/ on line 139

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